Although Foundation Studies is required as a basis for teacher education, it can also be attended
separately. It focuses on the written work of Rudolf Steiner, courses in a variety of arts, and provides an introduction to a contemporary path of inner development. The goal of these courses is to awaken participants to the soul-spiritual nature of the human being and to enliven their sense of themselves, others, and the natural world around them.
This is a shorter two year program consisting of three academic terms per year with 4 classes offered per term. Each term lasts for 7 weekends with scheduled breaks throughout the academic year designed to honor holidays and the live/work balance of our students.
A Certificate of Completion is conferred once all classes have been completed, and all course credits will be honored if the student decides to enroll in the Teacher Education Program at a later date.
Schedule, certificate class requirements, and tuition/payment options are listed below.
DATES [Fridays and Saturdays]:
Sept 13/14, 20/21
Oct 4/5, 11/12, 18/19
Nov 1/2, 8/9
4:00pm-5:00pm: Eurythmy
5:10pm-6:40pm: Singing
7:30pm-9:00pm: Theosophy [Yr 1 Students]/Reincarnation and Karma Study [Yr 2 Students]
10:10am-11:40am: Developmental Biology [Yr 1 Students]/Evolution [Yr 2 students]
DATES [Fridays and Saturdays]:
Jan 3/4, 10/11, 17/18, 31
Feb 1, 7/8
Mar 7/8, 14/15
4:00pm-5:00pm: Eurythmy
5:10pm-6:40pm: Singing and Recorder with Introduction to Notation
7:30pm-9:00pm: Biography [Yr 1 Students]/Kingdom of Childhood [Yr 2 Students]
10:10am-11:40am: Themes From Rudolf Steiner's book How to Know Higher Worlds [Yr 1 Students]/ Themes From the First Teacher's Course: 1 [Yr 2 Students]
Dates [Fridays and Saturdays]:
Mar 21/22, 28/29
Apr 4/5, 11/12, 25/26
May 9/10, 16/17
4:00pm-5:00pm: Eurythmy
5:10pm-6:40pm: Singing and Pentatonic Flute 2 and Lyre
7:30pm-9:00pm: The 12 Senses [Yr 1 Students]/ The Social Impulse of Waldorf Education and the Movement [Yr 2 Students]
10:10am-11:40am: Central Ideas From Rudolf Steiner's book Philosophy of Freedom [Yr 1 Students online]/Themes From the First Teacher's Course: 2 [Yr 2 Students]
An Introduction to the Supersensible Knowledge of the World and the Destination of Man, Rudolf Steiner gives an introduction to many of the fundamental concepts that underlie his life work, Anthroposophy. Following upon a comprehensive description of the human being composed of body, soul, and spirit, Steiner develops the idea of destiny and reincarnation, reveals different ways in which human existence unfolds after life on earth, and concludes with a succinct description of the path of knowledge by which each one of us can develop for ourselves the capacities required to experience the phenomena that he describes.
In this work, Steiner gives exercises and meditation techniques that are designed to deepen, strengthen and ultimately open the human soul to an objective reality beyond the physical senses. Throughout the book Steiner emphasizes how the development of inner integrity, sound judgment, and a discerning intellect are essential for reliable knowledge at this level of experience.
This foundational text establishes the epistemological basis for all of Steiner’s subsequent work. Steiner develops a basis on which to transcend the limits to knowledge asserted for modern consciousness by Kant. In his Philosophy of Freedom, he develops a view of intuitive thinking and its far-reaching consequences from a phenomenological standpoint, that is, from the standpoint of what can be experienced first-hand.
Designed by Michael Holdrege, a biology teacher, this course introduces first year students to the physiological basis for understanding the future study of the morning lectures Rudolf Steiner gave to the first Waldorf teachers.
This course introduces students to Rudolf Steiner’s view of the stages of human development and themes that arise in seven year rhythms.
The focus of this course is to introduce students to Rudolf Steiner's work on the 12 senses is fundamental to considering perception as a basis for a broader, deeper and more discerning experience of the foundation of thinking activity. Current research in the field of perception is an active aspect of this course.
description coming soon
In this course students will observe art and architecture from different periods of history and different parts of the earth. Through observation, and practice in quick sketching, students will consider changes in the human experience of space, time, social organization and technology. In this context we will spend the later classes considering peoples whose contributions to the development of human culture have been marginalized or thwarted and look at what they are doing to raise their voices in the contemporary world.
This introductory course to Waldorf Education explores the essential and practical indications that Rudolf Steiner gave to the first Waldorf teachers through themes such as: the three seven-year cycles of child development, the need for observation in teachers; the dangers of stressing the intellect too early; children’s need for teaching that is concrete and pictorial; the education of children’s souls through wonder and reverence; the importance of first presenting the “whole,” then the parts, to the children’s imagination, the Kindergarten as an imitation of life; teacher' meetings as the heart of the school.
This course is divided and studied in two consecutive terms in the second year of the training. It introduces students to the principal ideas that form the basis of Waldorf Education. The primary themes of breathing, the three fold human being, will have been referred to during the first year of the training where appropriate.
description coming soon
This introduction to Steiner’s art of movement is meant to awaken the student to the movements inherent in language and music. We will explore how in eurythmy the entire human being becomes the instrument of the creative word and tone.
*Eurythmy is taken throughout all terms of the year and both years of the training. Students are required to take Eurythmy each term (6 total classes).
Harmony and strength within a community can be built through singing. In the singing courses we will sing a variety of music, ranging from western classical tunes to folk and world music. In addition to learning new music, this class focuses on healthy singing technique, reading basic rhythms and musical notation, playing the recorder/lute, and the healing aspects of music.
*Singing/Music is taken throughout all three terms of the year and both years of the training. Students are required to take Singing each term (6 total classes).
Includes all classes, and supplies [does not include books]
Pay year in full [for all 3 Terms 4 classes per term] - one payment. $100 enrollment fee to be applied to tuition if paid by September 1. Complete Enrollment Application. An email will be sent to you confirming enrollment and then you may proceed to tuition payment.
Pay each year in 2 installments [for all 3 Terms 4 classes per term] . Complete Enrollment Application. An email will be sent to you confirming enrollment and then you may proceed to tuition payment.
Pay each year in 10 monthly installments [for all 3 Terms 4 classes per term] [Sept-June]. Complete Enrollment Application. An email will be sent to you confirming enrollment and then you may proceed to tuition payment.
This applies if you would like to take fewer than the full course load of foundations studies classes per term. In this scenario each term you sign up for the classes you wish to take and pay the per class price. Complete Enrollment Application. An email will be sent to you confirming enrollment and then you may proceed to tuition payment.
The Summer Intensives and any Open Seminar Series are not included in the course of study but can be added a la carte by registering and paying for them at any time as long as space is still available. Contact us at
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